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Connect asphalt rollers and collect data to improve current and future jobs

BOMAP Connect allows operators to see the compaction condition of asphalt jobs in real time



Modern asphalt rollers can incorporate technology that guarantees paving jobs meet strict specifications for compaction and smoothness. Connectivity between machines is becoming an increasingly important part of the process.

Connected rollers that share information across a job site can complete their work faster and with better results. 同时, 每个滚筒收集的数据都可以存储, 分析了, 并在很多方面被使用——作为未来竞标的一部分, 用于质量控制, 以及培训新劳工.


For BOMAG, connected compaction has grown steadily over the past several years. It started with the BOMAP app, providing users with access to various equipment and project details. It expanded with BOMAP Connect, which brings the entire compaction equipment fleet together.

Multiple connected rollers working on a job site sent data into the cloud where it can be shared across the site.

Chaunce爱德华兹, SMS设备的产品经理, explains that BOMAP Connect aims to ensure that roller crews reach their target density and compaction levels across each project in a user-friendly manner. 基于Android平板电脑和可下载的应用程序, this brand-agnostic system uses sensors on the BOMAG machine – and other brands – to collect data.

“历史上, operators would rely on experience or have a foreman who would say they had to hit a certain area five or six times to reach their target,爱德华兹描述道. “BOMAP系统所做的是 . . . 当我们压缩一个区域时, it will paint out a grid and determine how many times you have been over a certain area."

随着滚轮在这些位置移动, 地图上的颜色变了, providing operators with a visual indication of the compaction quality in those areas. A ten-point scale is used to determine the level of compaction – a 7 or 8 is a good target, 而10则是过度压缩.

Knowing the level of compaction on each part of the job site ensures neither over- nor under-compaction takes place. 结果, 爱德华兹说, is that you burn less fuel and reduce the environmental footprint of the job. 降低了成本,提高了整体效率.

Live compaction data can also help you recognize potential problems before they occur. Edwards offers the example of a roller crew that can reach a compaction level of 8 across most sites but only a 4 in a particular location. This may be an indicator of a failing utility below the road or a problem spot in the gravel base that should be investigated before the job is completed.

当设置在平板电脑上的机器, BOMAP Connect uses the tablet's GPS signal to plot the machine's location. 在机器上加一个GPS天线可以提高精度, 定位精度可达20厘米. This is more than enough accuracy for a roadway or similar project, 爱德华兹说. Millimetre accuracy can be achieved by connecting to base stations on the site.

"Most of our customers have found that the 20 centimetre accuracy works for them. Generally, we are overlapping passes slightly anyways to ensure overall coverage," he notes.


BOMAP Connect的第二个好处, 一旦工作完成, is that fleet managers have a vast amount of data that was collected during the compaction process available for processing and analysis. This includes pass counts, temperature, and other factors that affect compaction quality. 有那样的知识水平, it is possible to review jobs and then pass along details to project owners and regulatory bodies as needed.

因为工作正在进行中, data is uploaded to a cloud server that allows users off-site to review progress within a few minutes in real time. 如果船员需要换工作几天, 然后他们可以回去, 通过云登录, 并迅速从他们离开的地方捡起.

That data is then available after completion for further review or sharing with the end user. Many provincial and municipal agencies are requesting more data for analysis as they work toward understanding the most efficient and environmentally friendly approaches to road construction.

“他们希望看到工作尽可能最好地完成, and they also want to see that they're completed as efficiently as possible,爱德华兹说. "Trying to lower CO2 emissions is probably more of a driving factor currently, but in the cities . . . we're starting to see interest in quality control for jobs completed by these contractors."

这些数据也可以用来准备新合同的投标, showing how previous jobs were completed and providing you with a greater opportunity to succeed.

Multiple connected rollers working on a job site sent data into the cloud where it can be shared across the site.


The use of connected compaction systems like BOMAP Connect will improve fuel efficiency and shorten completion times. They can also assist in other ways, such as with the challenge of a changing workforce.

Skilled workers with rolling experience may be leaving the industry, but there is potential for easier training of new operators using these tools. "Contractors can potentially hire a less skilled labour force at the forefront and then use this system to train them,爱德华兹说.

The growth of data collection in compaction provides contractors and end users with a more remarkable ability to confirm that a paving job meets the proper specifications, 爱德华兹说. “当一项工作完成时,它会让人内心平静, 你可以看到我们确实击中了所有这些区域, 一切都被压缩了. 我们不会有任何回调,我也不会有任何返工要做."

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